Donate to Friends of Seva Mandir
We welcome contributions by check sent to our mailing address at:
Friends of Seva Mandir, Inc
200 Metroplex Drive, Suite 300
Edison, NJ 08817
For secure online donations by credit card/debit card, we use PayPal and invite you to consider making either a one time or a recurring monthly contribution.
Also, please indicate if you would like to dedicate your donation to the memory of a loved one or to commemorate a holiday, birthday, wedding or other special occasion. We will send a hand-written card to anyone you choose and provide you with an acknowledgement letter that will serve as your tax receipt. Donations to Friends of Seva Mandir are tax deductible for US residents to the extent allowed by law.
Your generosity is deeply appreciated by all members of the Seva Mandir community.
Sign up for our newsletter and stay appraised of what your contribution accomplishes on the ground in Rajasthan. And please JOIN US to learn more about additional ways to participate.
Learn more about the different ways to give in these inspiring donor stories: