Donate to Friends of Seva Mandir
We welcome contributions by check sent to our mailing address at:
Friends of Seva Mandir, Inc
200 Metroplex Drive, Suite 300
Edison, NJ 08817
For secure online donations by credit card/debit card, we use Paypal and invite you to consider making either a one time or a recurring monthly contribution.
Also, please indicate if you would like to dedicate your donation to the memory of a loved one or to commemorate a holiday, birthday, wedding or other special occasion. We will send a hand-written card to anyone you choose and provide you with an acknowledgement letter that will serve as your tax receipt. Donations to Friends of Seva Mandir, Inc. are tax deductible for US residents to the extent allowed by law.
Your generosity is deeply appreciated by all members of the Seva Mandir community, of which you now are one.
Please JOIN US to stay appraised of what your contribution accomplishes on the ground in Rajasthan and learn more about additional ways to participate.
Learn more about the different ways to give in these inspiring donor stories.
Bring a Passion Project to Life
Follow in the footsteps of American businessman Ravindra Koka, CEO of Polaris, Inc., who, on a tour of Seva Mandir in 2017, asked a Balwadi (preschool) teacher what, in her opinion, the program most needed. The simple answer—a fan for relief from the oppressive heat—was not so easily provided in a place where there was no electricity. Mr. Koka did some research and discovered a solar-powered fan and light bulb system that could be installed for a cost of approximately 20,000-25,000 Rupees or $325 US dollars. He personally funded the pilot program that set up trials in two Balwadis and found that children not only were able to nap more peacefully in the cooler environment, but also that the mosquitoes were fewer and therefore the children were safer from a health standpoint. Back in his home town of Pittsburgh, Mr. Koka spearheaded a fundraising initiative and among 10 friends and family raised over $6,000 to supply 26 more solar-powered fans. He is currently considering ways to expand the effort—if enough electricity can be generated to run a fan and light, why not a computer or smart board?
Make It Your Business to Help
Vijay Kedia, Founder and CEO of Flextrade, a company which provides financial trading technology solutions to leading institutions around the globe, believes that every person wants to contribute to help those in need, and will, if given the opportunity. With over 425 employees working in 18 cities in 10 countries, Mr. Kedia put his faith to the test by creating a matching gift program that offers several charities from which employees can choose to give regularly and the company donates equal amounts. He selected Friends of Seva Mandir as one of the recipients after an introduction to the organization’s leadership by a personal friend convinced him of its merits, especially in the area of education, which Mr. Kedia considers to be the key to all progress. A highly successful American businessman who benefitted from a world class education provided at a reasonable cost in India, Mr. Kedia understands well the conditions of deprivation children face in rural Rajasthan and seeks to bring what he calls the “multiplying effect” to their aid. Since 2011, Flextrade employees, the company and Mr. Kedia personally have together donated over $100,000 to Friends of Seva Mandir in support Seva Mandir programming. That is some amazing math indeed.