Living in Revolutionary Times - An Evening with Fareed Zakaria | Oct 30th - 6:30 PM
Bestselling author Fareed Zakaria, acclaimed host of CNN’s international affairs program "GPS" and Washington Post columnist, will speak about the conditions and consequences of “Living in Revolutionary Times.”
Private reception with cocktails, hors d’oeuvres and an intimate Q and A with Dr. Zakaria to follow.
Wednesday, October 30, 2024
6:30 PM to 9 PM
CUNY Graduate Center
365 Fifth Avenue (at 34th Street)
New York, New York
General Admission Ticket: $600
Checks or wire transfers avoid processing fees and are preferred for additional giving opportunities — please contact Executive Director Poonam Abbi ( for more information.
Additional Giving Opportunities
4 tickets
Special recognition in the Benefit Program
2 copies of “Age of Revolutions” by Dr. Zakaria
6 tickets
Special recognition in the Benefit Program and at the event
3 copies of “Age of Revolutions” by Dr. Zakaria
6 premium reserved seats
Special recognition in the Benefit Program and at the event
4 copies of “Age of Revolutions” by Dr. Zakaria
3-day visit to Seva Mandir (flights excluded)
Banner on the FSM website for one year
8 premium reserved seats
Special recognition in the Benefit Program and at the event
5 copies of “Age of Revolutions” by Dr. Zakaria
3-day visit to Seva Mandir (flights excluded)
Banner on the FSM website for one year
Photo with Dr. Zakaria
10 premium reserved seats
Special recognition in the Benefit Program and at the event
7 Copies of “Age of Revolutions” by Dr. Zakaria
5-day visit to Seva Mandir (flights excluded)
Banner on the FSM website for one year
Photo with Dr. Zakaria
Acknowledgement in Seva Mandir’s Annual Report
Friends of Seva Mandir, Inc. is a 501 (c)(3) organization and donations are tax-deductible to the fullest extent permitted by law. Contact FSM Executive Director Poonam Abbi with any questions at
Your participation will fund the work of Seva Mandir, an outstanding development NGO located in Rajasthan, India, where the average person lives on less than Rs. 20, or 35 cents per day. Seva Mandir works in more than 1,500 rural areas, partnering with villagers not only to improve their material circumstances, but also to build stronger, more self-reliant and just communities. A foundational belief of the organization is that development cannot be an end in itself but must be linked to transforming social relationships to reduce the traditional barriers of caste, class, gender and age.
One project, among many underway in 2024, is a women’s empowerment initiative that will create peer support systems; strengthen institutional mechanisms that promote women’s voices; and create platforms to develop leadership skills, raise and address social issues such as child marriage and girls' education, and increase participation in local governance.
Learn more about the initiative and other projects this event will fund from Seva Mandir’s Executive Director Ronak Shah and Board President Ajay Mehta, both of whom will be in attendance and happy to provide more details.